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SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1-426583 } WHERE [sentence [word NORETRIEVE sp IN (verb) AND ((verb_class HAS geminate AND verb_class HAS ii_waw AND verb_class HAS ii_yod AND verb_class HAS iii_aleph AND verb_class HAS iii_he AND verb_class HAS i_aleph AND verb_class HAS i_nun AND verb_class HAS i_waw AND verb_class HAS i_yod) OR (NOT verb_class HAS regular AND NOT verb_class HAS ii_guttural AND NOT verb_class HAS i_guttural AND NOT verb_class HAS iii_guttural AND NOT verb_class HAS four_consonants) OR (NOT verb_class HAS regular AND NOT verb_class HAS ii_guttural AND NOT verb_class HAS i_guttural AND NOT verb_class HAS iii_guttural AND NOT verb_class HAS four_consonants) OR (NOT verb_class HAS regular AND NOT verb_class HAS ii_guttural AND NOT verb_class HAS i_guttural AND NOT verb_class HAS iii_guttural AND NOT verb_class HAS four_consonants))]
] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 273707-273720 } [book]
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 331250-331257 } [book]
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 83974-83976 } [book]
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 315878-315882 } [book]
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 146262-146269 } [book]
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 369771-369781 } [book]
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 48108-48111 } [book]
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 45597-45620 } [book]
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 141489-141493 } [book]
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 274791-274799 } [book]
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 234383-234385 } [book]
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 300845-300850 } [book]
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 348314-348318 } [book]
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 412551-412558 } [book]
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 150777-150783 } [book]
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 255394-255396 } [book]
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 323738-323742 } [book]
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 173982-173997 } [book]
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 223814-223821 } [book]
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 275704-275706 } [book]
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 385589-385599 } [book]
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 155106-155116 } [book]
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 158910-158929 } [book]
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 95123-95126 } [book]
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 273707-273720 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 273707-273720 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 273707-273720 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 273707-273720 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 331250-331257 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 331250-331257 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 331250-331257 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 331250-331257 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 83974-83976 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 83974-83976 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 83974-83976 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 83974-83976 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 315878-315882 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 315878-315882 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 315878-315882 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 315878-315882 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 146262-146269 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 146262-146269 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 146262-146269 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 146262-146269 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 369771-369781 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 369771-369781 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 369771-369781 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 369771-369781 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 320995 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 320995 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 320995 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 320995 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 48108-48111 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 48108-48111 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 48108-48111 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 48108-48111 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 45597-45620 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 45597-45620 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 45597-45620 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 45597-45620 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 141489-141493 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 141489-141493 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 141489-141493 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 141489-141493 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 274791-274799 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 274791-274799 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 274791-274799 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 274791-274799 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 234383-234385 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 234383-234385 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 234383-234385 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 234383-234385 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 300845-300850 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 300845-300850 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 300845-300850 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 300845-300850 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 348314-348318 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 348314-348318 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 348314-348318 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 348314-348318 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 412551-412558 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 412551-412558 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 412551-412558 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 412551-412558 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 150777-150783 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 150777-150783 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 150777-150783 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 150777-150783 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 255394-255396 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 255394-255396 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 255394-255396 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 255394-255396 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 323738-323742 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 323738-323742 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 323738-323742 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 323738-323742 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 173982-173997 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 173982-173997 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 173982-173997 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 173982-173997 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 223814-223821 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 223814-223821 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 223814-223821 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 223814-223821 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 275704-275706 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 275704-275706 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 275704-275706 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 275704-275706 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 385589-385599 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 385589-385599 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 385589-385599 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 385589-385599 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 155106-155116 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 155106-155116 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 155106-155116 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 155106-155116 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 158910-158929 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 158910-158929 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 158910-158929 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 158910-158929 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 95123-95126 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 95123-95126 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 95123-95126 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx
SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 95123-95126 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx

GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {273707} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {273707} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {273707} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {331250} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {331250} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {331250} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {83974} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {83974} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {83974} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {315878} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {315878} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {315878} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {146262} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {146262} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {146262} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {369771} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {369771} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {369771} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {320995} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {320995} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {320995} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {48108} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {48108} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {48108} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {45597} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {45597} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {45597} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {141489} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {141489} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {141489} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {274791} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {274791} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {274791} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {234383} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {234383} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {234383} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {300845} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {300845} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {300845} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {348314} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {348314} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {348314} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {412551} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {412551} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {412551} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {150777} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {150777} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {150777} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {255394} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {255394} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {255394} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {323738} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {323738} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {323738} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {173982} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {173982} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {173982} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {223814} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {223814} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {223814} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {275704} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {275704} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {275704} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {385589} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {385589} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {385589} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {155106} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {155106} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {155106} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {158910} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {158910} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {158910} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {95123} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {95123} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx
GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {95123} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx

SELECT All OBJECTS IN { 273707-273720, 331250-331257, 83974-83976, 315878-315882, 146262-146269, 369771-369781, 320995, 48108-48111, 45597-45620, 141489-141493, 274791-274799, 234383-234385, 300845-300850, 348314-348318, 412551-412558, 150777-150783, 255394-255396, 323738-323742, 173982-173997, 223814-223821, 275704-275706, 385589-385599, 155106-155116, 158910-158929, 95123-95126 } WHERE [word sp IN (verb) AND ((verb_class HAS geminate AND verb_class HAS ii_waw AND verb_class HAS ii_yod AND verb_class HAS iii_aleph AND verb_class HAS iii_he AND verb_class HAS i_aleph AND verb_class HAS i_nun AND verb_class HAS i_waw AND verb_class HAS i_yod) OR (NOT verb_class HAS regular AND NOT verb_class HAS ii_guttural AND NOT verb_class HAS i_guttural AND NOT verb_class HAS iii_guttural AND NOT verb_class HAS four_consonants) OR (NOT verb_class HAS regular AND NOT verb_class HAS ii_guttural AND NOT verb_class HAS i_guttural AND NOT verb_class HAS iii_guttural AND NOT verb_class HAS four_consonants) OR (NOT verb_class HAS regular AND NOT verb_class HAS ii_guttural AND NOT verb_class HAS i_guttural AND NOT verb_class HAS iii_guttural AND NOT verb_class HAS four_consonants))
 GET language,lex,vs,g_voc_lex_cons_utf8,vt,ps,gn,nu] GOqxqxqx